The purposes of this research are: (1) to know the relation and contribution between intelligence quotient (IQ) and basketball skills. (2) To know the relation and contribution between emotional quotient (EQ) with basketball skills. (3) To know the relation and contribution between motivation and basketball skills. (4) To know the relation and contribution between intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), motivation and basketball skills. The method of the research used was correlation method. The population in this research was the entire students who participated in the basketball extracurricular activities SMA 2 Bae Kudus Indonesia. Samples being used were 50 students collected using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used were correlation analysis, regression analysis and determination analysis test (R2 test). The conclusions of this research were: (1) there were positive and significant relation between intelligence quotient (IQ) with basketball skills and it contributed as much as 44.6%. It was shown by the correlation (r) of 0.698, p.value of 0.000. (2) there were positive and significant relation between emotional quotient (EQ) with basketball skills and it contributed as much as 48.7%. It was shown by the correlation (r) of 0.668, p.value of 0.000. (3) There were positive and significant relation between motivation with basketball skills and it contributed as much as 37.9%. It was shown by the correlation (r) of 0.616, p.value of 0.000. (4) There were positive and significant relation between intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ), motivation and basketball skills as well as contributed as much as 72.6%. It was shown by the correlation (r) of 0,852, p.value of 0.000.
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