Nowadays, there has been an increasing count of actively social media using individuals. This new kind of media which is used by most of the population can generate an impact on users’ tendencies. Recreation activities increase individuals’ quality of life and provide them some physical, social, and psychological benefits. Individual’s participation to these recreation activities facilitate development primarily to the participant himself and then to the society. In this context, this study is an examination of active recreation tendencies on social media using individuals. It was conducted with 379 participants who studies at Higher Education in Sports. In order to measure social media users’ active recreation tendencies, a questionnaire based on the Recreational Exercise Motivation Measure which has the reliability and validity of Turkish version made by Gurbuz, Asci and Celebi (2006) and originally developed by Rogers and Morris (2003) and the Facebook Intensity Scale developed by Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe (2010) were prepared and used. According to Cronbach Alpha (α=0,878) the questionnaire found reliable. In order to analyze the results besides descriptive statistics of socio-demographics, the questionnaire was factor analyzed and three dimensions as physical, social and psychological tendency are obtained. Mann Whitney U and Kruskall Wallis tests are used to determine whether there are any significant differences.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.72
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