This research aim was investigating the effect of media literacy on volleyball spectator's social identity through personal identity. The present study, psychologically, is divided in to 8 layers of view paradigm, the main type of applied research: deductive research approaches, quantity research strategies theories, field research tone, cross sectional survey methods, research objectives, description and finally data collection methods, library resource reviews, and questionnaires. The statistical society consisted of premier league volleyball spectators from Iran. Number of samples consisted on 342 members, in terms of Cochran formula. To collect data, Chang et al media literacy questionnaire (2011), Safarnia & Roshan social identity (2011) and Bordbar personal identity (2012) were used. Content validity was used for questionnaires and their stability was evaluated through Cronbach's alpha. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for media literacy variable (.894), social identity (.824) and personal identity (.801) were resulted. For research findings analysis, structural equation modeling was used. The results showed that media literacy is indirectly effective on social volleyball spectator's identity, and also cleared that personal identity has an effective and positive influence on social identity. Media literacy is one of the most effective regulatory and identity strategies that affects effectively and positively.
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