In this era of globalization, people cross country boarders for various purposes some for education, business, work, tourism, or for living. In meeting such purposes, people have to use language for communication; this has necessitated different countries to introduce foreign language studies in their education system at various levels. In China, Chinese language is a national language for the People’s Republic of China. Currently students from different countries go to china to pursue various studies and they have to learn Chinese. The study examines the factors that affecting willingness to communicate in Chines Language among the International students. The study ought to explore the factors affecting willingness to communicate in Chinese based on gender, program taught, number of courses they have, years living in China, and number of Chinese friends they have. The study used Pearson correlation, Independent T-Test and One way ANOVA, to find out the correlation between these dependent factors and independent factors. Ultimately, the study found a significant relationship between willingness to communicate in Chinese and language programme taught number of Chinese courses, courses learnt, and the time of living in China.
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