In Albanian and English we have same kind of sentences (simple, compound or complex sentence). The major of elements or constituents that can be found in clauses are subject, predicate, object, complement etc. For Albanian and English most linguists agree on the needs to recognize at least the following word classes: noun, verb, adjective, preposition, adverb, determinative and conjunction. Each of these words classes is illustrated in the sentence below. The noun or noun phrase can be subject, object, and predicate (…) in the meaning of the structure of syntax. “The kernel sentence, then, has two main parts –a subject and a predicate. The subject consists of noun phrase; the predicate consists of the verb phrase”.[1] We may begin our inquiry into the study of syntax between Albanian and English. There are four main types of sentences: simple, compound, complex and compound complex.
By the simple sentence we can see the structure between Albanian and English, too e.g.
Maca e mbyeti miun.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
The cat killed the mouse.
S (NP) P (VP) O (NP)
[1] Virginia Tufte. (1971). Grammar as Style. London, p.15.
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