G. Chitra, N. Balasubramanian


Descriptive Survey Method has been adopted for the conduct of the study. Emotional Competency Inventory for Teachers (Balasubramanian and Abilash Babu, 2009) has been used to collect the required data from the sample chosen. The inventory contains 20 positive items and 5 negative items. The number of items selected for the inventory falling under four major dimensions viz. Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management. In line with the Stratified Random Sampling Technique, 50 Principals of Colleges of Education from three districts of Tamilnadu state have been chosen for the study. Descriptive, differential and correlation analysis have been undertaken for data analysis adopting appropriate statistical techniques. It is found that there is significant difference at 0.05 level between the means of the scores of the Principals of the Colleges categorized based on their marital status with regard to their scores on Self Awareness, as one of the components of Emotional Competence. The mean value of the unmarried Principals has been found to be greater than that of married Principals. Hence, it is concluded that the unmarried principals possess more of Self-Awareness when compared to their married counter parts. It is also found that there is no significant difference between the means of the Principals of Colleges of Education on the scores of the most of the dimension of emotional competence of the principals irrespective of their sex and marital status as well as the locality and type of the institution. It is also found that there is significant and positive correlation at 0.01 level among different components of Emotional Competence viz. Self-Awareness and Self-Management & Relationship-Management, Self-Management and Social Awareness & Relationship-Management, Social Awareness and Self-Management & Relationship-Management. However, there is no significant relationship between Self-Awareness and Social Awareness, Social Awareness and Relationship Management.


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emotional competence, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.1021


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