There are many elements in games which motivate and entertain players and connect them to the game. If these elements can be transferred into a non-gaming context, then fun, motivation and commitment can also be transferred. In this context, the concept of gamification, which means using game elements in non-gaming systems, has emerged. In this study, M.A. theses and dissertations regarding gamification carried out at Turkish Universities were analysed using the content analysis technique. For this purpose, a total of 34 M.A. theses and eight dissertations were found and included in the scope of the study. Although theses and dissertations were mainly in the educational context, there were also those about communication, modelling, marketing, and so on. In most of the theses and dissertations, gamification was in the main role, and in some of them, it was in the auxiliary role. The results revealed that besides fully-gamified systems, it could also be possible to include only a few elements of gamification. Based on the results, use of gamification could be said to have positive effects on motivation, attitude and academic achievement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.2143
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