Kagenyi David Macharia


The primary objective of the educational process is the development of the thinking of learners. This paper deals with the development of learners' thinking in mathematics, in the transition from the acquisition of calculation algorithms to the acquisition of the algorithmic rules. Algorithmic rules need to be understood and it means the need to change the way of teaching. A substantial change in teaching is the use of question-answer system. This system is described in the paper in terms of pedagogy and psychology, and all these facts lead to comprehensive view of the application of the system in teaching mathematics. In the next part of the article we describe the features of learners thinking. When the method of substitution is taught properly, these features enrich the learners‘ thinking. The method of substitution is the first algorithmic rule.


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mobile phones; mobile learning; m education, educational outcomes; new learning, new teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.2397


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