Serpil Özkurt Sivrikaya


The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of the students studying in chemical and chemical processing technologies departments on take chemistry education in the form of distance education. The research sample consists of students studying in chemistry and petrochemical technology programs in Kocaeli Vocational School. It was applied to students studying in related departments in the fall semester of 2018-2019. The sample consists of 149 students. The mixed method has been adopted in the research. Scale and interview questions were prepared with the literature review. The reliability coefficient of the Chemistry Distance Education Scale was 0.945. There was a high correlation between the dimensions of the scale consisting of three dimensions. In quantitative research; a relationship was found between income and chemistry distance education. It was found that students with low income level were eligible for distance education in chemistry. Distance education diminish students' costs of housing and transportation. In addition, there is no relationship between the gender of the students, the type of education, the level of education of the parents, the department and the class. The qualitative research findings are: a large part of the students indicate that the distance education infrastructure is not sufficient. According to the students, chemistry education is considered to be sufficient for theoretical knowledge only as distance education. Students do not want to take laboratory applications as distance education. Distance education cannot eliminate the need to touch materials while adding visuality. It is determined that students are not ready to take chemistry education from distance education as cultural and cognitive.


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chemistry, chemistry education, distance education

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