Andrew Sija


E-learning is playing very important role in the present educational scenario. It has potential to change the whole education system and due to this reason, it has become one of the most preferred subjects for the researchers and scholars working on the various aspects of e-learning. This study is looking into various research works on e-learning for IPTS (Private Institutions of Higher Learning) in Sarawak. The principle objectives of this research includes to examine the suitable research model describing on the methods that shows the motivation in e-learning, (ii) to identify the suitable type of learning in higher education and (iii) to investigate the problems and challenges of implementing e-learning in Private Institute of Higher Learning Sarawak. This study therefore examined the prime factors of two selected IPTS in Sarawak (Saujana Academy of Travel and Tour (SATT) and IBS College (formerly known as Institute BREM Sarawak) in implementing an E-learning and the relations between each influencing factors of acceptance in E-Learning in the University/Colleges by adopting the two basic types of learning which were Computer Based Learning and Internet Based Learning as proposed by Algahtani, 2011. The resulting analysis and interpretation provided a description of the performance of E-Learning influenced by the variables which were the engagement of E-Learning, facilities and computer literacy. The qualitative method in this study derived from a constructive perspective involving in-depth face to face interview with the respondents. The outcome of this study depicted that the influence of internet connectivity and computer-based knowledge equipped the E-Learning implementation and discovered of the advantages and disadvantages of E-Learning in education industry. Based on the findings, three primary variables identified with supporting factors emerged as the critical components categories in this study and these categories represent a conceptual framework for solving E-Learning issues.


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e-learning, IPTS (Institute of Higher Learning), engagement of e-learning, facilities, computer literacy, performance of e-learning

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