Education is a continuous process of learning and it is a pinnacle of life attitude and a vision of every individual. It analyses the framework of online learning process and improvement guide during Covid 19 pandemic situation. It provides progress in work online learning process and level. The study aims to identify the different frameworks in online learning through implementation of teaching, delivery mode of teaching, support, and school system process as guide to educational system during Covid 19 pandemic. The study employs the application and benefit of Virtual Reality Design (VRD) because it possesses potential application in online learning process in education with systematic existence of design that displays the purpose of learning process and is considered as high-end design of research which is relevant to the study process. The study comprised Two Hundred Sixty Nine (269) from the professional lecturers and teachers in the different continents from Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Europe, and United States of America. Random sampling technique is utilised in the study. Results of the study show an establish proper schedule of students in their regular classes during the period of Covid 19 pandemic and develop proper strategy in teaching during their lecture hours and provide focus to support students in their learning process and undertake initiatives despite of the limited resources in online teaching, identify the means of delivery mode of teaching based on the needs of students in their learning process, support students in their new modality of instruction in their online classes that boost their learning potential ability, and school provides guidelines for the online learning of student tools during Covid 19 pandemic to ensure better education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v5i2.3274
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