Leovgildo Lito D. Mallillin, Lorna Casoco Mendoza, Jocelyn B. Mallillin, Rosina C. Felix, Imelda C. Lipayon


Online learning education pedagogy is the trend at present in the educational system due to Covid 19 pandemic crises. It explores the pedagogical design in the academic competency of student development in various digital learning literacy on technology collaborative enhance learning. The study aims to identify the different transition of Covid 19 pandemic in the implementation and readiness of online learning for both teachers and students in terms of access to digital work, availability of technology, adequacy of technology, access to effective online learning platform, access to link of internet, and school practices to online teaching. Descriptive quantitative method is employed in the study because it provides a systematic and accuracy that describes the phenomenon of the current study. Purposive sampling technique is utilised in the study because it is subjective, selective, and judgmental sampling. The study compromised one hundred fifty (150) respondents. Results show that online learning fits the different pedagogy of learning tools, resources, course materials in the access to digital work, transform student responsibility and learning experience to new opportunity of learning and empowers student on technology to be more creative and connected in their online learning classes and activities in the availability of technology, accessibility to online learning process that enable to study or teach anywhere and anytime through internet connection as advantage for student and allow for a customise learning experience flexibility to study at their level and ability to improve learning dynamic in adequacy of technology, enhance professional skill in online learning and teaching through skill, attitude, and knowledge in a competitive world of e-learning tailored with the global demand of education due to Covid 19 pandemic in access to effective online learning platform, provide access to internet that use for online teaching to communicate, manage, create, gather, access, and distribute information for student learning in access to link of internet, and open for adjustment and constructive feedback in a novice teaching online and innovation to technology that will be helpful for student learning school practice online teaching.

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online learning pedagogy, implementation and readiness, access to digital work, availability of technology, adequacy of technology, online learning platform, access to link of internet, school practices to online teaching

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