Dewi Andriyani, M. Marisa, Susy Puspitasari, Mohamad Adning, Kusnindyah Puspito Hapsari, D. Deliana, Wibowo Mukti


The Open University Education Technology study program is in desperate need of a type of media that is able to provide maximum learning services to students. Therefore, a learning material product is needed to support these needs. Development research is needed for VR and AR-based learning materials to be realized. This research is a development research. The development model used refers to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation). The choice of ADDIE model in this development research is based on several reasons, namely, this model is a procedural model, namely a model that is descriptive, showing clear and careful steps to produce the product. Study of competencies produce a competency map of the results of the study based on the principles of development of the field of study and the demands of educational technology expertise, especially Television Broadcasting Management. The results of the study of module materials found the existence of competency sequences that are not appropriate judging from the process or stages of Management. The results of this study showed that it is necessary to rearrange the competencies of Courses TPEN 4312 and the Television Broadcasting Management Module should be revised. Reconstructing the Practice Handbook as a handle for students to perform practical tasks and Develop more suitable practical tools based on the results of practical tasks.

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virtual reality, practical device, television broadcasting management

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