Vasiliki Karavida, Athina Charissi, Eleni Tympa


Emergencies like Covid-19 brought distance education to the fore, as countries were forced to close the campuses and initiate online teaching. Many universities in the country supported a distance education program aimed at students who had experienced an unprecedented experience. Thus, 155 students from the Greek department of Early Years Learning & Care participated in the present study, which aimed to investigate the factors that influence learners’ perceptions and attitudes during distance learning. The survey was conducted through online distribution of questionnaires and investigated hypotheses about obstacles and changes in students’ perceptions of distance learning. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the role of the educator in this process, combined with the technical support of the courses, is extremely important. Also, educators’ presence is related to students’ anxiety.

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distance education; early years education; emergency circumstances; students’ attitudes

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