Vasiliki Ioannidi, Ilianna Gogaki


The purpose of this article is to present a case of dyslexia as an (e-)teaching approach of inclusion within the framework of lifelong teachers’ education in order to implement theoretical knowledge. The combination of theoretical and applied knowledge aims at supporting teachers in all structures of General and Special Education. The methodological approach uses the case study research design in teacher education. A case of a child with dyslexia is presented, as well as the symptomology that it presents. The next item is the presentation of the diagnosis process followed and the educational intervention of problems encountered by this pupil. Emphasis is placed on an overall response and rehabilitation program, which may include sequential and systematic exercises and instructions at the verbal and visual level. In conclusion, supporting teacher professional development is an important part of the effort to increase the teaching and learning of children with and without learning difficulties. Finally, the paper concerns the presentation of an incident with dyslexia in lifelong teachers’ education and training as a specific topic and inclusive issue for a modern democratic school. The paper can provide highlights in (e-)teaching through the example of dyslexic profile.

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teacher education, teacher professional learning, lifelong, inclusion, dyslexia, educational support, (e-)teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v6i1.3596


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