Nazia Forhin Shifat, Mohammad Ehsanul Islam Khan, Md. Shah Alam Chowdhury


This study intended to evaluate the English as Foreign Language (EFL) learner responses to online classes during the covid-19 pandemic. It focused on the learner's insights rather than the teachers' views because the purpose is how the large population deals with technology during this pandemic. Though teachers are the real fighters, they are in a vacuum without the students' engagement. Therefore, this study showed EFL learners' readiness of using technology in attending online classes and what barriers they face during assessment and classes. It examined whether students can participate in group discussions, pair work, online assessment, respond to class, build their rapport, and get proper feedback or not. Data were collected randomly using a google form questionnaire having five elementary questions, fifteen Likert-type questions from 92 students of five private universities in Bangladesh. Besides, five questions were finally added to have an overview of multiple response analyses. Some imperative variables of flexibility, reliability, availability, and integrity regarding online classes were brought into light with descriptive analysis. Finally, the data were analysed in a qualitative approach. It shows that learners attending online courses and assessments are diverse regarding the availability of required facilities, and the students are having difficulties participating in online examinations. The result further implicates ensuring an intelligent learning environment in the 'new normal period' with more efficacy.

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online classes; online assessment; learners' perception; private universities; feedback; troubles

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v6i2.3838


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