Basil C. E. Oguguo, Christopher A. Ocheni, Femi K. Adebayo


Studies reviewed on student’s achievement in synchronous and asynchronous learning shows mixed results. This study determines whether there exists a significant difference in the achievement of students in online test and measurement course in synchronous and asynchronous e-learning platform. The participants consist of 348 under graduate students of National Open University of Nigeria in online test and measurement course. The researchers employed ex-post facto research design for the study and the instrument used for data collection was the Students Test and Measurement Course Proforma (STMCP). The result revealed that synchronous e-learning improved students` academic achievement more than asynchronous e-learning. It was also found that gender of students significantly influenced their academic achievement in both synchronous and asynchronous learning in favour of the male students. The findings of this study will assist education planners and policy makers in planning decision making process which must come from the students as well as the society in general. Thus, education planners need to review the policies and distance learning curriculum in order to emphasize the importance of distance learning as well as facilitate decisions that will make available relevant and quality distance learning materials which will invariably improve students.

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