Afentouli Vasiliki, Stefanos Armakolas, Athina Kazana


The economic conditions nowadays with the increased international competition, open borders, and easier money circulation in the market have created the need for additional production, while unemployment rates have been on the rise making adults required to enrich their knowledge attend training seminars in order to achieve a successful transition from the education stage to the labor market. These new market conditions have led to the promotion of professional development and training of the workforce, which will be achieved through vocational education (Valiente et al., 2020, Saar et al., 2013). At the same time, the need for more opportunities for personal and social development and employment has created lifelong learning in post-secondary education. Subsidized training programs are very often implemented, organized by large organizations, in order to provide additional knowledge to adult workers and the unemployed, regardless of age, level of knowledge, degree, and specialty. This study explores the motivation and the criteria of the participation in one of the Subsidized Unemployed Program with the title “Export Trade Executive”. According to the results of the research, the driving force for the participation of adults in this kind of program is the professional development of the participants, the improvement of their professional skills, the adaptation to the new technological data, but also socialization through the program.

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professional development, lifelong learning, post-secondary education, motivations, seminar selection criteria

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