Bellie Jane S. Cabaluna, Estela R. Dequito


This study aimed to determine the mediating effect of mobile learning system-usage of Davao City National High School senior high students between knowledge sharing and information quality. A stratified random sampling method was adopted, with 319 students as respondents. The researcher collected the data using a Google form delivered to the respondents. The results of a non-experimental quantitative mediation analysis using a validated questionnaire, mean, regression techniques, and Pearson r revealed a significant relationship between knowledge sharing, information quality, and mobile learning system usage. The findings revealed that senior high students' level of knowledge sharing was high. Likewise, the level of information quality of senior high students was high. In addition, the Level of Mobile Learning System Usage suggested that the outcome was high. Since the mediating effect causal steps approach in this study revealed a non-significant relationship between knowledge sharing and information quality, there was a complete mediation on the effect of mobile learning system usage on the relationship between knowledge sharing and information quality. As a result, mobile learning systems influence students' knowledge sharing and information quality, and vice versa.


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library and information science, knowledge sharing, information quality, mobile learning system usage, Philippines

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