Deborah. T. A. Obafemi, Temitope S. B. Aderonmu


The study investigated teachers’ competencies and constraints in the implementation of e-learning in Physics in the pandemic COVID-19 era. The study adopted the mixed-method research design, specifically descriptive survey and exploratory analysis. The purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 66 secondary school Physics teachers in secondary schools in Port Harcourt and Obio-Akpor Local Government Areas of Rivers State. The research instruments were Basic e-Learning Implementation Competencies and Constraints Questionnaire (Be-LICCQ) (r = 0.82) and the Structured Interview Template on e-learning (SITe-L). Data were analyzed using Mean. The study revealed that Physics teachers lack basic competencies in utilizing e-learning facilities in secondary schools. Several constraints were identified by Physics teachers such as inadequate technical support, teachers’ resistance to e-learning adoption, epileptic power supply, poor internet connectivity, and administrative barriers among others. The study, therefore, recommends training and retraining of Physics teachers in other to empower them with the skills needed for the implementation of e-learning in Physics, especially in the pandemic era.


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e-learning, competencies, constraints, physics, physics teaching, COVID-19 pandemic.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v7i1.4242


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