Timi Tonbra Brenda, John N. Odili, Patrick U. Osadebe


The study assesses the level of achievement of urban and rural students in computer studies in senior secondary schools in Bayelsa state. It investigated the level of urban and rural students’ achievement in the cognitive and psychomotor domains in computer studies. two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature was reviewed by the researcher. The ex-post facto research design of a descriptive study was used in the study. The population was all 12,441 public senior secondary school students in their final year of study in Bayelsa state. The multistage sampling technique which involved a proportional stratified procedure and a simple random sampling technique was used to arrive at a sample of 380 students. The instrument for data collection was the West African Examination Certificate (WAEC) computer studies 2020 past question. The research instrument was a standardized achievement test constructed by WAEC which had undergone all the processes involved in the construction and validation of an achievement test and hence deemed to be valid and reliable. The results obtained from the test administered were scored and graded into a five-point range of very low, low, average, good, and excellent. The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of urban and rural students’ achievement in the cognitive and psychomotor domains in computer studies. It was recommended amongst others that government should ensure the provision of all necessary infrastructural facilities like computer sets, laptops, software application packages, printer, scanner, internet connectivity, amongst others that will enhance the teaching of computer studies in public senior secondary schools in Bayelsa State and that experienced and skilled teachers in ICT should be posted to the rural schools.


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assessment, achievement, computer studies, cognitive, psychomotor

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