Eberechukwu Francisca Chigbu, Uche Vita-Agundu, Patience Nwobodo


The researchers investigated the effect of the token economy on low academic self- concept of secondary school students in Enugu North, Enugu state, Nigeria. The pre test, post test, control group quasi-experimental design was adopted for this study. Two research questions and two null hypothesis tested at a 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The population of this study comprised 10,032 senior secondary school students II in Enugu North, Nigeria. The researchers sampled 60 students using purposive and cluster sampling techniques. Two instruments developed by the researchers were used for data collections, namely Students Low Academic Self- concept Identification Scale (SLASCS) and Low Academic Self-Concept Dictating Scale (LASCDS). The instruments were validated by experts in departments of measurement and valuation as well as Guidance and Counselling. The reliability of the instruments was ascertained through test-retest method using Cronbach Alpha Statistics which yielded reliability coefficients of 0.83 and 0.85 for SLASCS and LASCDS respectively. Data collected were analyzed using mean score and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The hypothesis was tested using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed among others that TERS (Token Economy Reinforcement) is significantly effective in the reduction of low academic self- concept among students at post-test and follow-uptests. From the above findings, it was recommended among others, that Teachers, educators and instructors should make use of token economy reinforcement system in the reduction of low academic self- concept among students to enhance their academic performance for greater productivity.


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token economy, self-concept, low academic self-concept, students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v8i2.4915


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