A. M. Megbele, J. N. Odili, P. U. Osadebe


This study is on the assessment of the psychometric properties of Attitude Towards Assessment Test (ATAT). Four research questions guided the study. An instrumentation research design was adopted. The population consisted of secondary school students in Delta State, Nigeria. The sample size comprised 1,000 students, selected through simple random and non-probability cluster sampling techniques. The test under assessment was developed by Megbele, et al. (2023). The Rasch Rating Scale Model was used to answer research 1, which assessed person and item reliability, item statistics, and ordering of response categories. Two fit indices including the infit and outfit mean square (MNSQ) statistics were used to answer research question 2. The data that were used to answer research questions 1 and 2 were analysed with the aid of the Jmetrik IRT software. The Categorical Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CCFA) was used to answer research question 3 while Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Statistics was used to answer research question 4 on construct validity, evidence of unidimensionality, and local independence respectively. The findings of this study revealed that the three components of the scale had high values of item separation index and reliability as well as an acceptable range of Person separation index and reliability; the difficulty index of items in the test was within an acceptable range; Each of the components of the Attitude Towards Assessment Test (ATAT) (Cognitive, affective and behavioural) had one construct each, which is evidence of unidimensionality for the different components of the Attitude Towards Assessment Test. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that all items in the different components that made up the test are reliable, have adequate item difficulty infit, and outfit MNSQ estimates, with evidence of unidimensionality and local independence assumptions. The study recommended that the test can be used by examination bodies for the assessment of students in the affective domain.


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psychometric properties; attitude towards assessment test; categorical confirmatory factor analysis; unidimensionality

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