Talent Rugube, Cosmas Maphosa, Khetsiwe Eunice Mthethwa-Kunene, Patience Dlamini


With the introduction of online courses and exams, technology is having a significant impact on both teaching and learning. Since distance educators are frequently early adopters of new technologies, institutions offering Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) now provide online learning programs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an example of a cutting-edge technology that is redefining standards for online learning. In order to improve their ODeL offerings, ODeL institutions must make use of AI, a cutting-edge technology with lots of potential. To study the role of AI in ODeL, a thorough literature review was conducted. 16 papers were selected for the final synthesis out of the 246 publications that were initially found from 2019 to 2023 based on specified inclusion and exclusion criteria.


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artificial intelligence; ODeL; teaching and learning, PRISMA

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