Georgia Konstantia Karagianni


Metacognition, the awareness and control of one's own cognitive processes and mental functions, is an absolutely essential skill for students who are engaging in Open and Distance Education (ODE). In particular, in ODE environments, the need for self-regulation and autonomy is of utmost importance. On top of that, with the arrival of connectivism, a modern learning theory that focuses on the vital role that networks and technology play in the knowledge construction process, there emerges a fresh and new horizon. This helps to promote and support metacognitive development, specifically within ODEs. This article discusses the intersections between metacognition and connectivism, putting into light how digital tools, networked communities, and artificial intelligence might support learners in planning, monitoring, and evaluating their learning. This study will use empirical evidence and theoretical insights to propose strategies for integrating metacognitive practices with the principles of connectivism to enhance learning outcomes in ODE.


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metacognition, connectivism, open and distance learning

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