Khalil Alsaadat


There are one and a half billion cell phones in operation around the world, and a large percentage of them are in the hands of students. Yet these phones are barred in most classrooms because they interrupt lessons and can enable cheating. Marc Prensky encourages educators to reconsider their view of mobile technology - and to imagine a pedagogy that embraces its potential. Essentially small computers, cell phones can support language lessons, display animations of medical and chemical processes, be used for polling and testing, serve as the gateway to larger learning resources - and so much more. Prensky explores the possibilities and presents his vision of the new classroom, one in which mobile phones are a key learning tools (Prensky, 2003). Therefore, this paper examines the importance of m-learning and its effect and significance in today's educational settings at different levels. And that will discuss the following issues: defining m learning, m learning technology, m learning methods, m learning usefulness.


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m learning, technology, methods


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Wagner, Ellen D., 2005, Enabling mobile learning, Educause review, vol 40, no 3.

Hulme, Agnes Kukluska, "Current uses of wireless and mobile learning", The Open University, landscape study in wireless and mobile learning in the past-16 sector.

Excellence gateway, "Mobile learning", learning and skills improvement services.

Hulme, Agnes Kukluska, 2007, "Mobile usability in educational context: what have we learnt?", The international review of research in open and distance learning, vol8, no2.



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