Multilingualism is a very wide interdisciplinary research area. Multilingualism means speaking, reading, writing and self-expression in at least three languages. Sometimes, multilingualism is confused with bilingualism. But they are two different categories. Hence, there should be at least three languages in any multilingual structure. Multilingualism is also a cultural policy aimed quality communication from the Sumerian bureaucracy to nowadays. Besides, multilingualism is a significant inspiration source for cinema. In fact multilingual movie is a phenomenon of History of Cinema and moreover since the mid-1980s until today multilingual movie becomes a particular genre. In the present chapter, some components of multilingualism like Tower of Babel, Hermes, lingual politics of Renaissance, Lingua Franca, Esperanto, linguistic relativity and some sample multilingual movies like Lost in Translation (2003) of Sophia Coppola, The New World (2005) and To the Wonder (2012) of Terrence Malick, Babel (2006) of Alejandro G. Iñarritu, Avatar (2009) of James Cameron, Inglourious Basterds (2009) of Quentin Tarantino, Arrival (2016) of Denis Villeneuve, and Radio Dreams (2016) of Babak Jalali are studied within a descriptive approach.
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