A blog is used on online platforms for the author to communicate with his/her readers in a unique way. Metadiscourse markers are often used in the writing and these markers help writers share their feelings and attitudes towards the issues they are writing about. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of metadiscourse markers in a personal blog commenting on the positive side of COVID-19. Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse was used to analyse the data. The results revealed that the writer employed interactional markers more than interactive. The in-depth analysis also showed that self-mentions were the most frequent interactional markers that occurred in the text, and the least were boosters, attitude markers and engagement markers. Meanwhile, the use of transitions has the highest frequency of interactive markers, followed by code glosses. To conclude, there were implications drawn from these findings, such as the high tendency of the writers of personal blogs to use interactional markers compared to interactive, as one of the persuasive efforts and the use of transitions to better organize their ideas in order for the text to be more coherent to readers.
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