In language structure, discourse is generally used by writers in their text to get readers to understand and comprehend the content of the written text. Metadiscourse is a specific class of language device used by writers to organize their text as well as manage the interactions or relations in some way with the reader of the text. By taking Hyland (2005) and Lakoff’s (1975) interactional metadiscourse model, this paper employs the data analysis driven method called document analysis to analyse the presence of interactional metadiscourse elements in an online entertainment article. Coding and frequency counting method are adopted to find out the sub-categories of respective four elements: Intensifiers, Hedges, Boosters, and Engagement Markers. The elements are interpreted as representing writers’ strategies to define the relationship between themselves, the reader and the topic. Consequently, it is found that the four elements of interactional metadiscourse are all deployed in the article text. The result of this study identifies that engagement markers is the most frequent interactional metadiscourse used by the author. This research may suggest entertainment online article employ the integration of interactional metadiscourse as effectively as other genre of online articles. It may be of value in understanding entertainment online genre for the development of the metadiscourse framework academically.
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