Gerald Njuki Muriithi


This study is based on a pulpit discourse and aimed at determining the speech acts that are used in sermons. The research is based on the Anglican Churches within Kirinyaga. The study shows how priests use the speech act to influence the hearers or congregation to make decisions. The research was also based on both speech act theory and the cooperative principle to understand the contextual basis deep. The maxims of the speech act are discussed, and recommendations are made on how they are supposed to be embraced for quality purposes. The research used several methods of collecting first-hand information. These methods were both based on qualitative and quantitative data. They include observation, recording, and direct interviews which were later analyzed and recorded for reference in the future. For instance, the recordings were transcribed and recorded in disks that were not prone to attack by malware. The types of speech acts used in the sermons include verdictives, commissives, declarations, representatives, and directives. These speech acts were representing a part of the sermon which conveyed a strong basis of the sermon. Thus, it acted as a strengthening catalyst. The study on the other hand showed how the speaker used the speech acts to inform, congratulate, make promises, and condemn. It is therefore recommended that the Bible Teaching Institutions should make sure before releasing a person for priestly duties is well conformed with the speech acts in such a way that the congregation can rely on them in times of word which is aimed at changing their lives and affecting their decision making. In conclusion, the research is solely concerned with speech acts in Anglican Churches within Kirinyaga and the same should be done in other churches to come up with a contextual distinctive clue on the same subject.

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speech acts, Anglican, verdictives, representatives, commissives, declarations, and directives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejals.v4i1.279


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