This study aims to find out the effect of the flipped classroom model on university students who learn English speaking skills in the first semester of the university programme. This is a quasi-experimental study that lasted for 15 weeks with the participation of 30 university students and 2 university lecturers who have a lot of experience in reverse classroom teaching. Students participating in the study were divided into 2 groups, one group studied in a flipped classroom, and the other group followed the traditional model. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. In this study, participating students were tested for the same level of English placement for both groups. After 15 weeks, both groups did the final exams. The content of the tests had a similar difficulty. The study results showed that there were significant differences between the two research groups, the flipped learning study group had better results than the traditional group, and the flipped students felt enjoyable learning with this model. Results were found after interviews with 6 students in the flipped class. However, the study also showed that the flipped learning model class caused many difficulties for students and lecturers because it required relatively high technological knowledge as well as the stability of the internet.
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