Yasin Murat Demir


Sezai Karakoç, who is one of the most important intellectuals who grew up in our country, is an important person who influenced large masses with his views on art and literature. Karakoç wrote works in many fields such as literature, philosophy, economy, politics, and education. Sezai Karakoç has nine poetry books; in the following periods, he compiled and published all of his poems in his book called "Gün Doğmadan". The most well-known of his poems is the poem "Mona Rosa". This poem, which he wrote during his university years, was greatly appreciated by all his readers. While defining human love in this poem, the poet tries to express the impossibility of meeting the spiritual, mystical, and platonic aspects of love. In this study, the Turkish and English translations of Sezai Karakoç's "Mona Rosa" will be evaluated in the context of equivalence. While interpreting the translation equivalence; formal elements will be discussed in detail in terms of linguistic, semantic, and stylistic aspects, in terms of adequacy and acceptability.


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Mona Rosa, poetry translation, sufficiency, admissibility

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