Beatrice N. Manyasi


Education is the key to addressing the social, political, and economic problems that society faces. In order to establish literature-based models that are used in the instruction of Integrated English, the study examined the learning activities that were used in teaching and learning. The study used qualitative research methodology. The instruments for data collection were observation schedules, interviews, and recordings. Data was analysed qualitatively and the results were presented as per the emergent themes. The findings revealed that: reading, singing, debating, role-playing, dramatization, summarizing, and responding to questions were the learning activities that learners were engaged in. The literature-based models applied in language education were: culture model, language model, and personal growth model. The study suggests that an environmental model should be developed and used to prompt authors of literary and non-literary materials to incorporate environmental concerns into their work. It will lead to balancing learning of language skills; literary and non-literary texts, focusing on environmental challenges and appropriate intervention strategies. Acquired knowledge, skills, and values inform practice, which later inform appropriate action.


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language learning activities, literature-based models, environmental model and sustainable development

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