Vafa Seyid


This article is based on the linguistic study of the formation of the Frankish and its influence on the field of onomastics. The article highlights the opinions of historical researchers about the gradual formation of the Frankish period since ancient times, and sometimes these opinions create polemics between them. At the same time, it is said that throughout history, various tribes gathered in the territory of the Frankish empire and created a state and language, and these tribes' languages influenced on the field of onomastics. The article also reflects the presence of mythical considerations in the field of onomastics, the inclusion of an important lexicon in the field of toponymy as a result of the German occupation, as well as in the vocabulary of Gallo-Romance. It is noticeable that the names were formed by the bithematic and monothematic method by adding the suffixes -IÄCU, -VILLE and -CURT, and then the suffix -COURT on a chronological scale. The article provides information about the areas where the tribes settled within the empire and the necropolises, as well as the falsified place names created on the basis of hypocoristic (hypocritical) names around these necropolises through maps. The article concludes that, according to the new methodology of contact linguistics, all the toponyms included in the study are indeed Romanic formations, contrary to the widespread opinion that still tries to interpret them as Germanic derivatives. Thanks to archeology, it can be proven that the monothematic and hypocoristic variants of Frankish anthroponyms, which appeared as "small names" among the Franks and took on an "informal" character, were not used by the Roman population to create toponyms.


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toponym, bithematic, monothematic, subjugate, ethnogenesis, core of traditions

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