Tinatin Darakhvelidze


Exactly a hundred years has passed since Nikos Kazantzakis,-a Greek writer, humanist and philosopher travelled in Georgia for the first time, but his impressions and emotions about travelling in Georgia three times, which are described in his creation, still remain as interesting things for the Greek researchers and historians. The journey of the writer coincided with the advent of the bold and historical hardship when Georgia gained three years of independence from the Russian Empire and subsequently became the victim of the annexation of Bolshevik Russia again. This is also the period when the history of Georgia and Greece coincided, because of historical cataclysms happened at that time in the region. This is the period when ethnic people of the Ponto origin who were expelled from Turkey gathered in Georgia, particularly in Batumi in anticipation of returning to their historical homeland,-Greece. Exactly Nikos Kazantzakis was turned out the first and the last, as a civil servant, head of the repatriation program of the Ponto Greeks and he was sent to Georgia by this mission. It was his first touch with Georgia and in spite of the two-week’s business trip which was full of responsibilities, the writer got fascinated by Georgia and had traveled twice for a long time in this country. His impressions and experiences from travels are described in his works and personal letters.


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Georgia, Kazantzakis, Greece, writer

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Καζαντζάκη Νίκου, ¨Αναφορά στον Γρέκο¨, Αθήνα, 1928.

Καζαντζάκη Νίκου, ¨Τόντα Ράμπα¨, Αθήνα, 1969.

Καζαντζάκη Νίκου, ¨Τι είδα στη Ρωσία¨, Αθήνα, 1928.

Καζαντζάκη Ελένης Ν., ¨Νικος Καζαντζάκης ο Ασυμβίβαστος¨, Αθήνα, 1977.

Πρεβελάκη Παντελή, ¨Τετρακόσια γράμματα του Καζαντζάκη στον Πρεβελάκη¨, Αθήνα, 1965.

Helen Kazantzakis, Nikos Kazantzakis. A biography based on his letters, translated by Amy Mims, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968.

Peter Bien (ed. and tr.), The Selected Letters of Nikos Kazantzakis (Princeton, PUP, 2011) (Princeton Modern Greek Studies).

Peter Bien, Nikos Kazantzakis, 1962; New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

თამარ მესხი, დიდი ხანძრის მეწამული ანარეკლი, თბილისი, 1996.


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