Each woman has her own creative moment and her special tendency for creativity. The woman has taken responsibility to express herself in a literary writing that interrogates feelings and experiences that differ from those that the man expresses in his writing. Through her writing, the woman can crystallize characteristics and features that light areas and spaces that have been considered shameful throughout the period during which the man has monopolized writing creative texts. In writing, the woman can give up the 'moral' requirements that surround her as an objectified woman, who submits to the 'will' of society, in order to be able to come closer to those intimate spots that make her entity appear in its particularity, its distinction, and its opposition to the prevailing values of masculinity. The woman has proved that she can produce literature of high quality from the perspective of her human suffering that rages through emotional feelings that are unique literarily, physically and intellectually. Because the Arab woman has read and written for decades according to the conditions of the man and under a curtain of several ideological wrappings, her voice has remained excluded and she has remained forbidden to make her voice heard, to show her concerns and to express her opinion. As a result of unjust social measures, we see that many Arab women writers have broken their silence and started crying loudly. Among these writers is the Palestinian writer Areej 'Assaf Damouny, who wrote the novel "Ana Istithna'… Fahdar"/ I am an Exception…Beware. Like other women writers, Areej 'Assaf Damouni seems to say in her discourse: "We are in need of women who reveal a genius that exceeds and challenges the man's genius," which implies a call for the woman to enter worlds that have been a monopoly for the man.
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