The aim of this study is to examine the management of interaction in The Oprah Winfrey Show by exploring the turn taking techniques and mechanisms used by the participants in this show. It is an international American talk show, which provides some sort of naturally occurring conversation. As such, the researchers intend to analyze the turn taking system used from a socio-pragmatic perspective. The Sequential Production Model by Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974) in combination with a work done by Duncan (1972) concerning turn taking mechanisms will be used as the theoretical framework in the present study. Moreover, the study takes into account the effect of the socio-pragmatic variables, namely, age and gender on the use of turn taking. The study concludes that gazing plays a crucial role in selecting the next speaker and there are gender and age differences concerning the frequency and type of violations that occur while taking turns at talk. The study can be of value to those interested in studying the organization of talk in interaction. Moreover, it is of help to TV talk show hosts who want to develop their interactional competence by making use of the way Oprah anchors her show.
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