This paper investigates how strategic and independent learning are reinforced by instructional technologies among Common European Frame of References (CEFR) for Languages’ B1+ Reading & Writing and B1+ Listening & Speaking classes of the English Language Institute (ELI), Jubail Industrial College Branch. Said study primarily sought different learning strategies’ level of use employed by ELI students in reflecting their independent and strategic learning skills and how learning technologies and technology-based component of the ELI curriculum impact the advancement of strategic learning practices. This descriptive-survey employed blended quantitative and qualitative research. Likert Scale was further manipulated for the gathered data’s interpretations obtained from survey questionnaire, review of available documents, focus group discussion as well as interviews. Findings revealed that technology could be strongly functional as a short but focused intervention in enhancing and supplementing learning particularly when it is used regularly. It is recommended that educational institutions have to conduct orientation and training on the use of varied and efficient learning strategies to prepare students to handle academic processes. Additionally, classroom teachers should offer direct instruction or learning propositions to modify students’ continuing ineffective learning patterns and behavior and to sidestep the blind and damaging use of these skills.
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