The stress of the words, accentual units and the clitic expressions is among the most specific features in the Macedonian modern language, thus, it is very important to keep their pronunciation in accordance with the standard norm, especially in the formal communication. Therefore, the paper examines the formal spoken practice of the Macedonian standard language regarding the correct pronunciation of the words, accentual units and clitic expression and indicates the deviations from the language norm, which, on a long term, can jeopardize it and impose the incorrect pronunciation as correct one.
The research has qualitative paradigm and descriptive design. The sample of the formal spoken practice consists of television advertisements that contain speech acts in which the correct pronunciation of the words, accentual units and clitic expressions can be clearly heard. The television advertisements are chosen because they are a vital part of the visual media, thus, as other media content (visual or printed) have the obligation to keep, preserve and affirm the standard language norm regarding the pronunciation. The advertisements are broadcasted on the National television and on private televisions in the West dialectal region in the Republic of Macedonia. The research has also quantitative paradigm, i.e. it shows the attitudes and thoughts of 100 native Macedonian speakers on the pronunciation that occurs in the advertisements and in other forms of formal communication. These attitudes and thoughts are collected through a survey, which contains of three questions. The methods used are analysis, synthesis and comparison.
Surprisingly, the research results are very satisfactory. Regarding the analyzed advertisements, broadcasted on the private televisions in the West dialectal region in the Republic of Macedonia, there are no mistakes in the pronunciation of the words, accentual units and clitic expressions. However, three of the analyzed advertisements, broadcasted on the private televisions in the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, still show severe deviations from the pronunciation norm. The reason for this can be found in the closeness of the West dialectal region with the norms of the modern Macedonian language, i.e. the dialects from this region are the foundation of the modern Macedonian language.
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