Simber Atay


The beginning of the end is a special category of beginning. The beginning of the end is a dramatic / pathetic / romantic / existential process in general. Within this process, the beginning becomes the end, and the end becomes the beginning. Sometimes it has a slow rhythm, sometimes it is experienced with a breathless speed. Coincidences shape this process, at the same time, intuition plays a crucial role in defining it. Beginning of the end can be experienced socially or individually. Like the historical / mass / chaotic beginnings of the end, there are also individuals who represent beginning of the end within rebellion / sacrifice / victimization or auto-destruction acts. The beginning of the end is sometimes a relative emancipation process. Paradoxically, fear and courage, violence and humanistic principles are intertwined. It’s also a perfect theme for artistic inspiration and creativity. Historically, there have been many "beginning of the end" periods. However, the period between the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Auschwitz is particularly important, and this topic is the subject of this article. In this context, Joseph Roth, Roman Vishniac, László Nemes, Joseph Losey, Alain Delon are some representatives of this topic in their respective fields with their works. In this paper, the phenomenon of “the beginning of the end” and its features will be developed using descriptive method.

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the beginning of the end, intuition, Joseph Roth, Roman Vishniac, László Nemes Alain Delon, Mr. Klein

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