Peng Zilian


This review aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the use of first language (L1) in foreign language classrooms by reviewing 15 empirical studies. This review found that the focuses of those studies can be categorized from five aspects: (1) extent of L1 use, (2) the purpose of L1 use, (3) factors influencing teachers’ use of L1, (4) attitudes and identities related to L1 use, and (5) the effectiveness of L1 use on second language (L2) learning. Methods for research on this area and directions for future research are suggested.

本文旨在通过对15篇实证研究的回顾,对外语课堂中母语的使用提供一个全面的视角。本文主要发现, 这些研究的主题可以分为五类: (1)使用母语的程度, (2) 使用母语的目的, (3) 影响教师使用母语的因素, (4) 关于母语使用的态度和身份转变, 以及 (5) 母语使用对外语学习的影响。基于以上发现本文总结了该领域的研究方法,指明了未来的研究方向。

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L1/L2 use; code-switching; foreign language education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v5i1.257


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