Tina Šabec


This article focusses on the humanistic ideas of Thomas More (1478–1535), explained in his book Utopia, a work of fiction and socio-political satire, written in Latin and published in 1516. In Utopia Thomas More gives an exhaustive and detailed description of The State of Utopia which already exists somewhere in the New World. Those types of theories which are oriented into the future, into something which is not yet realised but is potentially possible are called utopian literature. It covers a wide area consisting of itineraries about fictional countries, suggestions of legal or moral legislation, and attempts to find the best state regulation. Humanism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. But the questions are: are all More’s humanistic ideas entirely good? Who can take responsibility to judge what is good for each man? The article deals with the mentioned dilemma.

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fiction itinerary, humanism, Thomas More, utopia

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More, Thomas. Utopia. ED. George M. Logan and Robert M. Adams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Stanovčić, Vojislav. Utopističke teorije o društvu. Beograd: Delta -Press, 1974.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Tina Šabec

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