Alwaleed Mohamed Abdullah Alshengiti, Rabab Alshaiekh Idres Musa


Purpose: Flipped Learning is an educational approach that combines the traditional classroom with online tools to find its best method in the Flipped classroom where the responsibility for the teaching process is somehow shifted to the students who have direct access to the lesson's contents before going to school. In this strategy, the instructor becomes an information facilitator and leads students in the transition from lecturing to the acquisition exercise of abilities and competencies. This paper explores E-learning approaches and the exceptional strategies implications students may additionally have. It also illustrates how such activities and methodologies can be a complete learning system. Methods: Furthermore, the most appropriate way to carry out Flipped teaching has been to create virtual classes on social media such as Facebook, Edmodo, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams which are also helpful as a sort of online discussion forum between the teacher and their students. From this new perspective, students have experienced new techniques and methods through cooperative Learning, a teaching/learning model that allows them to figure together in small groups to achieve the same goals. In addition, students can create digital products and post them on the Internet, thereby attaining great results. Results: All the activities are planned to require critical thinking and different learning styles at the end, supporting the idea of individual Learning rather than group learning.

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flipped learning, flipped classroom, cooperative learning, social media

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Copyright (c) 2021 Alwaleed Mohamed Abdullah Alshengiti, Rabab Alshaiekh Idres Musa

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