Maja Žarković Mccray, Maja Kujundžić, Žana Gavrilović


Students often lack the desired authentic input in the classrooms and that is why they so often expose themselves to it by watching films, TV series or listening to popular music. This inspired our research and we decided to analyze the errors that can be found in the authentic input, which is a frequent occurrence in songs. The aim of this paper is to analyze the most popular songs at the moment, precisely those with more than one billion views on YouTube, and to answer the question if the most popular music in the world is in some way a reliable authentic input tool. We were primarily focused in our analysis on basic rules of syntax in lyrics. In the end, we analyzed 164 songs where 91 songs were linguistically correct and 73 songs linguistically incorrect. It means that more than 55 percent is correct and 44 percent incorrect. After analytic, descriptive and statistical analysis of incorrect songs, we came to a total of 230 errors divided into three categories: sentence structure (97 errors), subject-verb agreement (80 errors) and multiple negations (53 errors). We conclude that the most popular music is definitely the valuable and interesting tool, but linguistically not the reliable authentic input tool without incorporating it into classroom teaching and learning which can together with grammars, course books, dictionaries and other more reliable means for studying English influence a positive learning environment, students’ motivation and correct linguistic ‘feel’.

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authentic input, music/songs, intercultural speakers, linguistic ’feel’

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Copyright (c) 2021 Maja Žarković Mccray, Maja Kujundžić, Žana Gavrilović

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