Ma Yan, Zhang Shuyue


“Post-method” language education is a new trend in foreign language teaching after the “method era”. “Outcome-based Education (OBE)” is an important theory for students’ learning development because it is students-centered and focuses on students’ performance. Combining the Post-method teaching system, and based on the OBE concept, we aim to explore the reforms of college English in the Post-method teaching era. We discussed the characteristics of teachers and students under the concept of OBE and analyzed the ways to carry out OBE in college English teaching. We hope that it will go beyond the limitations of traditional Chinese college English teaching theory and practice and bring new insights into college English teaching reforms.

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post-method teaching, OBE, college English teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v5i3.304


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