Nazlıcan Çağaldoğan, Zeynep Arkan


Turkish TV series, which have been on the agenda in other countries in recent years, are translated into many different languages and watched with interest. Within this scope, dubbing and subtitling translations of these series have come to the forefront, and studies in this direction have gained momentum. In this sense, this study focuses on one of these series, ‘Dirilis Ertugrul’. The study aims to comparatively analyze the strategies used in Arabic subtitling and dubbing translations of the ‘Dirilis Ertugrul’ series within the scope of Gottlieb's strategies. The study was designed with a qualitative research method. Document analysis was used as a data collection technique. The data of the study were analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques. When the findings regarding the Arabic subtitling and dubbing translations of the 'Dirilis Ertugrul' series were evaluated, it was observed that the translators used Gottlieb's strategies of "expansion", "paraphrase", "transfer", "imitation", "transcription ", "dislocation", "condensation", "decimation", "deletion" and "resignation". However, when the differences were evaluated, it was observed that the translators mostly relied on the same strategies. Finally, it is suggested to focus on the analysis of subtitling and dubbing translations in the field of audiovisual translation and to exemplify translation strategies in this field in practice.


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translation studies, audiovisual translation, subtitling and dubbing translation, gottlieb's strategies, ‘Dirilis Ertugrul’ series

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