Technology in Education has the potential to pass on knowledge and skills which learners in the 21st century require: transforming traditional teaching methods into rich pupil focused and interactive learning environments to enhance learning process and ensure quality academic achievements among all learners of school levels in 2015 and beyond. However, previous reports from Uwezo reveal that 40 percent of the standard eight pupils could not pass Kiswahili literacy examination. This poor literacy skills has been attributed to didactic methods of teaching. Until then, little was known about the influence of Technology education on Kiswahili language achievement in classrooms. The purpose of this Paper therefore, was to explore the influence of Technology Education on Kiswahili language achievement in classrooms among primary school pupils in Kisii County, Kenya. The paper sought to achieve the following objectives: To determine teachers’ capacity in applying ICT tools in classrooms; and describe pupils’ language achievements in classrooms. The paper applied Constructivist Learning Theory as cited in Duffy and Jonassen (1992). The paper utilised a qualitative method design. The paper targeted primary schools, teachers and standard seven pupils. The paper used interview, observation schedules and focused group discussions to collect data. The paper held face to face interview schedules with the teachers of Kiswahili language. The qualitative data was analysed thematically and findings were quoted directly in text. The major findings of this paper were that: many teachers lack capacity in integrating technology devices in classrooms and that ICTs improve pupils’ proficiency in reading, writing, vocabulary, pronunciation and comprehension skills. This paper recommends that teachers should use computer applications in classrooms so as increase pupils’ academic performance.
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