Valdet Hysenaj, Hasan Mujaj


Communication is the implementation of inspirations and requests through a system of signs. It arose from the expression of thoughts in society, it is the exchange or transfer of information. The connection of the individual with other people depends on communication. The culture of communication is a rhetorical and cultural formation in the light of other sciences related to rhetoric, such as: philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, stylistics, linguistics, poetics, semantics, etc., the knowledge of which creates opportunities for a rich capital and wide eloquence in competence to entice collaborators with the pragmatic vision of implementing projects in practice. So, communication is one of the important criteria of rhetoric and democracy, therefore only with the pragmatics of action, credibility and commitment will be created to advance the contemporary development of the XXI century. Motivation to communicate leads to the establishment of language culture and its normalization and further development. Knowledge of different forms of communicative motivation is essential if we want to encourage communicators to have a positive attitude towards knowledge and an interest in learning during all life. Communication, not only as an object, but in terms of its radiant width also as a subjective factor gives greater opportunities with strong influence for the rise of language culture.


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communication, education, intercultural style, standard language, sociocultural communication

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