This inquiry engrossed its participants in proactive tasks fundamentally covering strengthening collaborative writing through the order thinking skills channeled to five main components: varied designed tasks, collaboration process, order thinking skills integration, significance of the process to the writing output and Knowledge, Language and Organization (KLO) framework. The said approach is perceived as highly feasible in augmenting collaborative writing by 27 English language teachers as respondents possessing varied nationalities, length of teaching experiences, teaching levels and educational attainment. They further support that interweaving the five constituents are categorically essential to the approach’s reinforcement as revealed by the computed mode fortified by the median and construed by a Likert Scale alongside percentages of weighed nominal data from responses. The results explicate that combining varied language tasks, facilitating collaborative procedures while integrating order skills under a KLO context tend to reinforce directive writing tasks in a collaborative viewpoint. It is suggested that a research relating to this method be administered to a greater population of students (learning factor) and teachers (design and instructions) to statistically measure effects, strengths and weaknesses to more profound perspectives for the establishment of a sturdy and promising blueprints for best practice in collaborative writing. This concept is inspired by the institution’s B1 and B1+ level employing the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR) curriculum for Languages through Cambridge University Press’ textbooks on Reading and Writing (Unlock) where order thinking skills’ significance is advocated.
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