K. Kustyarini, Peni Puspitasari, Dimas Singgih W.


Children's games that are born and rooted in the community as a product of local culture are rarely played. Efforts to counter it are often presented but only stop at concepts, for example publishing books about children's games, establishing children's playhouses, and providing training on the importance of preserving games, so that real action is needed, such as the use of local culture, including children's games. Learning from the experience of the Javanese people who developed the concept of children's games as a potential to lead to a learning process towards reducing and preventing the risk of decreasing children's moral, then we can adopt this concept to be implemented in the use of children's games in Indonesia. The result is to design children's activities so that they are easy to use as an effective medium for learning the Javanese language as what this research aims to achieve.

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character education, Javanese language, children's games

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v4i2.84


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